When determining our target audience for the final product 'Coercion' we decided to look at other films that from the use of IMDb had similar attributes but also looked upon their demographic like nationality, ethnicity, age and gender. This gave us the understanding we needed to fit a perfect target audience.
The data of which you can source from IMDb gives analysis of each sector of determining a target audience. So firstly we instantly looked upon the information given on 'The Disappearance of Alice Creed' as it was our primary example and inspiration in the project.

From this we noticed that the target age is primarily in the region of aged 30-44 year old, however the male is the largest demographic of this age group, we can establish this because the male protagonist in the film holds the most power, it is a patriarchal film, so for men watching it, in a way emphasises their feeling of power, empowers their personality. The audience is also of a non-US audience, therefore expressing its UK basis and its popularity and not necessarily needing the US audience. The ratings are both very similar between the female and male gender however this can be expressed because the story line is extremely stressful on a female, it isn't pleasant in how the female protagonist is treated, but also it could be said that the film doesn't show much reality for a female, in that not all females are daughters of wealthy fathers, whom are to be kidnapped. Whereas for a male, not suggesting it is a regular stereotypical situation but violence against women, whether it be domestic abuse does occur.

Another film we used as another main inspiration is The Lovely Bones. Similar to Alice Creed this film shows a more younger female victim but with the similar power struggle. For the Lovely Bones the largest demographic is Males aged 30-44, however a larger overall age group of audience members is 18-29. Again similar to Alice Creed with more of a non-US viewer. One difference is that although more male audience the females that did view it and rate it have in fact rated it higher, this could possibly be because the female audience were more emotionally attached to the story line, therefore see it as a more impact full film on their lives. For the older females viewing the film they could see it as their fears for their own children therefore relating to the parents in the film, and the younger audience if female relating to their fears of a predator male. The cast linking perfectly to the age and gender of the target audience.
Our projects audience profile
The target audience profile for our final production will be similar in the fact that 18-29 year olds will be the masses of our audience, I believe that the female gender of the viewers will rate it higher then the male for the same reasons as mentioned in The Lovely Bones paragraph above. This is simply because the cast and characters we used were chosen from the inspiration Lovely Bones provided, in that the age gap between male predator and female victim, helps to emphasise the power and strength divide therefore promoting the young female fear of our day and age.
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